New Dog Park To Get Tails Wagging At Maryland

Work has started on a new off-leash dog park in Newcastle this week.

Council says the Maryland Drive Reserve park will be located next to an existing un-enclosed, leash-free area which will remain in use during construction.

Stage one of the project is sure to get tails wagging, with the design featuring shelters with tables, sandstone seating, dog bubblers and extensive landscaping including trees for shade.

Plans for future works include the delivery of an additional off-leash area to separate large and small dogs, as well as a formalised car park with accessible parking, more seating and landscaping.

“With more than 63,000 dogs registered in our city, we know Novocastrians are passionate about their canine companions and want more spaces where their dogs can safely exercise and mix with other pets,” Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said.

“Formalised off-leash dog areas enable people to take their dogs to a place where they can legally run free, exercise and socialise with other dogs. They also provide pet owners with a meeting place and an opportunity to connect with others in the community.”

“This new project at Maryland will provide a premier facility for dog lovers in our western suburbs, which is sure to be popular with pet owners who already make the most of the unfenced off-leash area within this popular reserve.”

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