ORRCA Invites Port Stephens Locals To Count Dolphins For Conservation

Locals are being invited to take part in the Port Stephens Dolphin Census | Image: ORRCA Rugli Gergo, supplied.

Keen-eyed citizen scientists are expected to line coastal vantage points in Port Stephens tomorrow to take part in the annual Dolphin Census Day.

Similar events have been run over the past two decades, helping the Marine Parks Association (MPA) to collect valuable information for conservation and research, shaping our understanding of the local dolphin population.

As the Organisation for the Rescue and Research of Cetaceans in Australia (ORRCA) prepares to host the 20th annual event, it is inviting the community to make the most of Sunday’s generally sunny weather forecast and get involved.

Participants will spend one hour, between 11am and 12pm, observing and recording the behaviour of dolphins in the area from one of the designated locations along the coastline or in the water.

All sightings are entered directly into a purpose-built app with the information collected in this year’s Dolphin Census to build on previous data sets.

Local ORRCA member and event organiser, Sherelyn Overson said it is exciting to be back after the Dolphin Census was put on hiatus for a few years during the pandemic.

“After a couple of years without a community dolphin count due to national health events, it is important we all work together to note changes in the population to ensure we can all continue to see dolphins thrive in the Port Stephens area.”

The event is free to participate in, however registrations are essential.

“Bring your picnic supplies, binoculars, camera, smart phone or ipad, a chair or rug, and warm waterproof clothes, and spend an hour celebrating Port Stephens’ dolphins”

“By participating in the Port Stephens Dolphin Census Day, you not only contribute to our understanding of these great animals, but also have the opportunity to learn more about them and meet like-minded people.”

To find out how to register or for more information visit ORRCA’S Facebook.

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