Police conducted a blitz across the Hunter Valley’s roads last week

Dozens of fines were handed out in a police crackdown on dangerous behaviour on the Hunter’s roads last week.

The highway patrol operation on Friday was targeting traffic, drink and drug driving offences around the Cessnock area.

71 infringement notices were issued, along with 23 defect notices, officers also conducted over a hundred random breath tests.

One person allegedly recorded a positive detection for cannabis, and two people had their licenses suspended.

Newcastle-Hunter Highway Patrol A/Inspector Glenn Swift warns drivers to be safe on NSW roads.

“Reckless driving and dangerous vehicles on our roads will not be tolerated,” A/Insp Swift says.

“We will continue to conduct operations aimed at targeting those who endanger public safety.”

Anyone with information about dangerous driving is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 33 000.

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