Planning Kicks Off For Newcastle Link Road Intersection Upgrade At Cameron Park

Upgrades to a busy intersection at Cameron Park are moving closer to fruition.

Planning by the NSW Government has now officially started on improvements at Newcastle Link Road and Minmi Road, aimed at improving future traffic flow, journey reliability and safety.

The A15 Newcastle Link Road connects Newcastle and its suburbs to the M1 Pacific Motorway and the M15 Hunter Expressway, providing key routes to the Central Coast, Sydney, Hunter Valley and New England regions.

Over the next few months, crews will be on the ground conducting field investigations which will identify utilities, property, geotechnical and environmental constraints to help inform the project.

But the project will not be shovel ready for a while yet, with the government admitting timing for construction is not confirmed and would be dependent on planning approval and future funding availability.

Maitland MP and minister for Regional Transport and Roads Jenny Aitchison said the government remains committed to exploring upgrade options for the site.

“Newcastle Link Road is a major arterial route providing a vital link to the residential, commercial and recreational areas of Newcastle.”

“About 60,000 motorists travel through this intersection each day and this upgrade would improve safety and traffic flow with more reliable travel times.”

Pressure on the road network is only set increase as the region’s population booms, a fact well known by Wallsend MP Sonia Hornery whose electorate is rapidly expanding.

“With the growth we are seeing in the Minmi, Fletcher and Wallsend areas, it’s so important to see planning for infrastructure upgrades on one of our region’s most important roads,” Ms Hornery said.

Minister for the Hunter Yasmin Catley said the early planning work being undertaken is crucial and will help ensure timely delivery of the project.

“We know the Hunter’s population is increasing, so we need to prepare to build more infrastructure to keep up with demand,” Minister Catley said.

“Proper preparation conducted by Transport for NSW means we do it once, and it get it right the first time.

“It also means we’ll be shovel ready for when the intersection is approved so the Hunter residents get the infrastructure they need and deserve as soon as possible.”

Transport for NSW is developing options for the intersection upgrade before seeking feedback from the community and stakeholders.

Aspects including safety, traffic flow, increased capacity, intersection improvements, public and active transport, property impacts and the environment are all being considered.

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