A number of people will face Newcastle court today after a spate of climate protests

A number of people will front Newcastle Local Court today following a spate of climate protests across the Hunter. 

Three men have now been charged after operations at the Port of Newcastle were targetted yesterday.

The trio from Blockade Australia allegedly scaled the Kooragang rail bridge as part of climate action protests to disrupt the world’s largest coal port.

They were quickly removed by emergency services, before being taken into custody and charged with a raft of offences.

A 20-year-old and a 67-year-old were refused bail to appear in Newcastle Local Court today, while a 27-year-old was granted conditional bail to appear in the same court next week.

Their action was quickly followed by two women who allegedly climbed onto a coal train at Sandgate, with emergency services responding just hours later.

They were arrested after an unauthorised protest, where the women allegedly entered the rail corridor on Kooragang Island and obstructing trains.  

Officers charged the pair aged 67 and 59 with enter inclosed lands and create serious safety risk. 

Both women were refused bail to appear before Newcastle Local Court today. 

The spree of alleged unauthorised protest didn’t stop there, a women in the Hunter Valley was also arrested yesterday afternoon. 

Officers received reports a number of people had entered the rail corridor off the New England Highway at Hermitage Road in Belford.

When police attended the scene a 64-year-old women was arrested and charged with enter inclosed lands serious safety risk, cause obstruction to railway locomotive, and enter inclosed land without lawful excuse. 

She was also refused bail to appear before Newcastle Local Court today. 

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