SES warn of waters rising at Wollombi Brook and Williams river in Dungog

With moderate rain over the past 24 hours and showers expected to continue today, the State Emergency Service has issued a flood warning for several areas across the Hunter. 

The Bureau of Meteorology and SES warn low lying areas of Wollombi and Dungog adjacent to the river may be affected by the downpour.

The Wollombi Brook at Wollombi is expected to remain below the minor flood level, but the Wollombi brook at Bulga may exceed the minor flood level by this afternoon.

Initial minor flood warnings for the Paterson and Williams river at Dungog have also been released this morning, with the river at just under 4m and rising.

The SES advise people to stay up to date with the latest information on their website, be vigilant, keep out of rising water and fast flowing creeks, and never drive through flood water.

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