Funding boost to develop Chlamydia vaccine implant for endangered Koalas

Local Koala populations have been given a glimmer of hope in their fight against chlamydia.

The sexually transmitted infection is a widespread issue for the marsupials, affecting their reproductive health and causing infertility.

The Federal Government has unveiled $750,000, which will fund a trial of a vaccine implant, which would mean the endangered Koalas will no longer need to receive two doses, largely increasing their chance of survival.

The University of Queensland will take on that research and are hoping to develop the implant which would administer the booster dose, meaning Koalas would not need to be held for long periods or recaptured to receive the dose. 

Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek says no one wants the imagine and Australia without the Koalas.

The Australian Government is making sure our kids and grandkids will still be able to see koalas in the wild.

“Investing in koala health projects, like this vaccine implant being developed at the Queensland University of Technology, will play a crucial role in protecting and conserving this beloved animal.

“Through our Saving Koalas Fund, we are investing in projects that will help koalas not only survive— but thrive,” Ms Plibersek said. 

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