First power-pole mounted battery installed near Maitland

Australia’s largest electricity distributor has installed the first power-pole mounted battery in the Hunter Valley.

Ausgrid has installed the small battery on power poles in Lorn near Maitland in a bid to support the network during peak demand or high solar export times.

The batteries have the capability of storing excess energy during periods of high production and release it during times of low production or high demand.

Junayd Hollis, Ausgrid’s EGM of Asset Management, said if it is successful the batteries could avoid the need for more extensive network augmentation that would otherwise be necessary to address network constraints.

“Pole-top batteries will play a crucial role in integrating more renewable energy into the grid. They can store excess energy generated during periods of high production and release it during times of low production or high demand.

“The system will provide localised energy storage and grid support, helping to support more efficient and reliable electrical infrastructure while facilitating the transition to net zero.

Ecojoule Energy is manufacturing the pole-top batteries and will support all of the properties connect to the local distribution network, with the first trial locations in Maitland, Newcastle and the Central Coast.

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