Foreshore Park damage to be remediated at cost to Supercars

The Supercars Newcastle bump-in and out has caused a significant amount of damage to Foreshore Park.

Large areas of the park have been reduced to mud patches, with tyre tracks, dead grass and rubber tyre tracks on Wharf Road and Watt Street from the event which was held early this month.

Newcastle Council says it is aware of the damage and will undertake remediation works once the bump out of the Supercars finishes on Friday and that it may mean parts of the park will be fenced off temporarily.

“Remediation work of this nature is not unexpected following the delivery of a large-scale event, however damage to the site has been exacerbated by the recent wet weather, which has dumped more than 85mm of rain on Newcastle during the past seven days.

“Initial assessments have been undertaken, with the remediation work to begin following the event bump-out, which is due to be completed by Supercars under the Works Approval tomorrow,”  a City of Newcastle spokesperson said on Thursday. 

The damage is being put down to the recent wet weather, which saw more than 85mm of rain on Newcastle over the past week.

Council says Supercars will be billed for costs associated with the remediation works.

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