Windale apartment block in lockdown after positive COVID-19 case

A Windale apartment block is in lockdown after a positive case of COVID-19. 

A spokesperson from Hunter New England Health said a recently confirmed case had been living in the apartment block at 17-19 James Street, Windale. 

The case is safely isolating off-site and urgent testing is being arranged for residents at the apartment block. All residents have been advised to get tested and isolate until they get a negative result.

Anyone who visited the apartment complex from the evening of Friday, 20 August to the morning of Tuesday 24 August, must get tested and isolate until a negative result is received.

Hunter New England Local Health District said they are working closely with NSW Police, and building management, Wesley Mission, to assess the situation and implement measures to safeguard the health and welfare of residents.

Food and other services, including daily welfare checks, will be provided to residents, should they require a 14-day quarantine period. Tailored support services will be provided to all isolated residents as needed.

Hunter New England Health said this reinforces the need for everyone living in apartment complexes to wear a face mask in shared foyer or lobby areas, lifts, stairwells and corridors, and shared laundry facilities of apartment complexes. This advice applies to everyone, including residents, visitors, building managers, contractors, delivery drivers and cleaners.

Image credit: Google Maps

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